Other Services

Magnetic therapy (磁療)

Medical Biomagnetism, also called Biomagnetic Pair, which was discovered by an Mexican doctor Isaac Goiz in 1988, is a natural therapy that proposes diagnosing and treating a large number of illnesses through the use of pairs of magnets of medium intensity that seek to equalize the organism’s pH level.

Functional Exercise (氣功)

Qi Gong, Chi Kung, or Chi Gung (literally: "Life Energy Cultivation") is a practice of aligning body, breath, and mind for health, meditation, and martial arts training. With roots in Chinese medicine, philosophy, and martial arts, Qi Gong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance Qi or what has been translated as "life energy".

According to Daoist, Buddhist, and Confucian philosophy, respectively, Qi Gong allows access to higher realms of awareness, awakens one's "true nature", and helps develop human potential.

Qi Gong practice typically involves moving meditation, coordinating slow flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and calm meditative state of mind. Qi Gong is now practiced throughout worldwide for recreation, exercise and relaxation, preventive medicine and self-healing, complementary and alternative medicine, meditation and self-cultivation, and training for martial arts. (From Wikipedia)


Heat therapy: Moxibustion (艾灸) / TDP (遠紅外線燈)


We use special medical heat lamps designed for acupuncture to apply heat to the areas where it is needed. The lamp transmits warmth into the body, which invigorates the smooth flow of Qi (energy). An old Chinese proverb says, “Where there is no blockage of the flow of Qi, there is no pain.” The heat lamp also acts to increase circulation, bringing more blood to the local area to heal and replace damaged tissues. Heat therapy is relaxing for the patient, making it easier to rest during treatment.

Ear Therapy (耳子)

For chronic problems, the acupuncturist may suggest the use of ear seeds, or ear press balls. In this case, the acupuncturist finds the most sensitive spots in the ear, and then tapes a small herbal ball to the ear. These treatments are hidden in the ear and do not stick out, so they can be kept in for up to a week. The client can stimulate those points by gently pressing on the seeds daily. This gives the client an opportunity for longer lasting and more constant relief treatment. If any of the points become uncomfortable, ear seeds can be removed right away without any problem.

Cupping&Gua-Sha (拔罐、刮痧)

Cupping therapy is an ancient Chinese form of medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin to release stagnant or stuck energy from inside the body, and bring it up to the surface. It is used in areas which have very tight muscles or aching pain - often the back and shoulders. Many people find that cupping therapy relaxes muscle and releases pain. Cupping often leaves a circular bruise-like mark where the cup was, though this varies from person to person. Such marks usually last a few days.

Gua Sha is a healing technique of traditional East Asian medicine. Sometimes called ‘coining, spooning or scraping’, Gua Sha is defined as instrument-assisted unidirectional press-stroking of a lubricated area of the body surface to intentionally create transitory therapeutic petechiae called ‘Sha’ representing extravasation of blood in the subcutis.

Practitioners believe Gua Sha releases unhealthy elements from injured areas and stimulates blood flow and healing. (From Wikipedia)

Modern research shows Gua Sha produces an anti-inflammatory and immune protective effect that maintains for days with one single treatment. This technique has been affected on treating pain release, reducing fever or chill, muscle stiffness and tightness, abnormal cough and wheeze, nausea and vomiting, etc.




The BEMER device is designed to temporarily increase local blood circulation in healthy leg muscles and stimulate muscles in order to improve and facilitate performance. Healthy circulation is vital to optimal health. More information, please check https://life.bemergroup.com/